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For Faculty & Staff
Introduction to Neurodiversity and Neuroinclusive Learning
Friday, March 14, 10 to 11:15 a.m., Online
This is the first workshop in the Neuroinclusive Teaching Series, a joint collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.
What do the terms neurodiversity and neuroinclusive mean, and how do they relate to neurodivergence? How can instructors support neurodivergent students in the classroom? This introductory seminar will unpack these terms, the strengths and challenges of neurodivergent students, and offer an overview of the pedagogical practices that can support these learners. Participants will have a chance to engage with a specific practice and then collectively brainstorm strategies for use in their own teaching contexts. Please join us for this first, foundational seminar in this series!
Hosted by the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation.
Register for Introduction to Neurodiversity and Neuroinclusivity here. The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants.
Writing Op-Eds: A Four-Part Workshop with David Shribman
This four-session workshop is intended for CMU professors and staff members interested in an introduction to the art of writing op-eds and the process of getting them published. The course will be both in person and interactive. Following an introduction to the history of the genre and the elements of preparing op-eds, the participants will try their hand at writing these pieces. Some of the writing will be in class, some at home. The instructor will evaluate these pieces and offer suggestions. It is ideal, but not necessary, that participants attend each of the sessions. The more exposure to this genre, and the more practice in producing op-eds, the better.
Workshop Schedule:
- March 20, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 pm; Baker Hall l54R
- March 21, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 pm; Baker Hall l54R
- March 27, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 pm; Baker Hall l54R
- March 28, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 pm; Baker Hall l54R
Learn more about David Shribman.
Humanities Center Faculty Research Grants
Apply by March 15.
The Humanities Center invites faculty to apply for its Faculty Research Grant, supporting innovative, interdisciplinary humanistic research at CMU. Grants are available for projects at any stage — beginning, middle or end.
Visit the Humanities Center website for details.
Faculty Development Workshop: Inclusive Teaching
Tuesday, March 18, 5 to 6 p.m., Dean's Office Conference Room (Baker 154R)
Hear approaches from Provost’s Inclusive Teaching Fellows on how they promote best practices in their work.
For Graduate Students
Ph.D. Student Workshop: Understanding the Psychology Behind Procrastination and How to Manage It
Wednesday, March 26, 5 to 6 p.m., Posner 280
Struggling with procrastination? You're not alone — it's a common challenge that Ph.D. students face. This interactive session will help you:
- Understand the psychology behind procrastination and why it happens.
- Break the cycle of avoidance with actionable steps based on models designed around executive function optimization.
- Align your tasks with your goals to boost motivation and focus.
- Build sustainable routines that keep procrastination at bay.
Join me to add some new tools to your productivity toolbox. Your future self will thank you.
Host: Rachel Amos, Student Academic Success Center
Register for Understanding the Psychology Behind Procrastination by March 17
Master's Student Support Group
Wednesdays, 4 to 5 p.m. CaPS Office, Highmark Center
The Master’s Student Support Group provides an opportunity for students to come together and discuss the unique experiences and challenges of being a Master’s student.
To join this group, please email co-facilitator Adrijana Vukelic, MSCP, at avukelic@andrew.81623464.com or call 412-268-2922 to schedule your pre-group consultation.
Ph.D. Student Support Group
Mondays, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., virtual
The Ph.D. Support Group offers space to confidentially discuss the stressors and challenges of navigating relationships with advisors and peers, academic milestones, academic hazing, low motivation, struggles with self-confidence and efforts to lead a more balanced life.
The group is able to accommodate no more than one student per program/lab.
Feel free to email Kym Jordan Simmons, Ph.D. (kyms@andrew.81623464.com) to schedule a 30-minute pre-group meeting.
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